Hope has a home here.

Loyce is back in Seattle and has so much to share about happenings in Rabuor!

Join Us on April 7 (via Zoom) for our Mwanzo Spring 2024 Update.
Meeting ID: 824 4874 2969 Passcode: 284299


our community

Who We Are

The term mwanzo means “new beginnings” in Swahili. Through our community-driven model of rural development, Mwanzo accelerates hope in Rabuor Village, Kenya, and surrounding subsistence-farming communities.

Our mission is to cultivate opportunities through education and community-driven development in Rabuor Village, Kenya, and neighboring communities.

Our vision is a vibrant, restored Rabuor and her neighboring communities, offering new beginnings for generations to come. 

Meet the Team


New Beginnings

What We Do

Our work is relationship centered. Through deep listening to people’s hopes and dreams, Mwanzo provides resources and organizational support so community members can reach their full potential and thrive.  

Seven schoolchildren sit at desks in pairs, reading textbooks


The Mwanzo Wetu Center of Excellence Academy (MWCEA; recently renamed from Mwanzo Education Center) strives to close the educational opportunity gap in rural Western Kenya, provides safety and nutrition for young children, and promotes hope and new beginnings for families and community members.

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Loyce sits with five women in laughing conversation


In Rabuor and surrounding communities, a number of women’s groups meet regularly. These groups engage in two major entrepreneurship activities: maintaining multiple village savings and loan (VSL) programs and operating a community catering business. These programs build financial wellbeing, while also strengthening the local economy and enhancing relationships.

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Two young primary girls smile and pose in green school uniforms


Mwanzo is dedicated to promoting community wellness, especially among its students at the Mwanzo Wetu Center of Excellence Academy (MWCEA). At MEC, children receive healthy meals and deworming tablets, and teachers ensure that students with HIV take their medication with nutritious food. Mwanzo saves lives by supporting a school environment that nurtures children’s bodies and minds.

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Two women carry baskets of sweet potatoes recently harvested from field


Climate change leads to erratic rainfall and rising temperatures in Western Kenya. In conditions of drought, armyworm pests thrive as they infest maize crops and threaten the subsistence farming communities of the region. Mwanzo helps mitigate the impact of a warming climate by partnering with farmers to mobilize resources that will promote conservation and climate-smart farming.

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“The Mwanzo Education Center is vital in giving students hope and reminding them of the presence of light at the end of the tunnel. Being in school and receiving meals is a lifesaver for all students.”

– Jonathan Aluoka

Mwanzo Country Manager



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