Sponsor higher education
Mwanzo High School Scholars Fund
As each MWCEA class advances, there is always another cohort of graduates who will need financial support to continue their education in high school.
The students who graduated from 8th grade in 2024 will continue at MWCEA for 9th grade. The Ministry of Education in Kenya has changed the system so that, starting in 2025, high school will begin with 10th grade, and junior secondary school will include grades 7, 8, and 9. We want to raise sufficient funding to sponsor more students for high school. In 2025, we will have eight students graduating from high school, and they hope to attend college!
For the 2025–2026 school year, the minimum cost for a high school student is approximately $1,700. Like most teenagers, these students experience growth spurts, often outgrowing their shoes and clothing within six months - making ongoing support essential.
Basic Needs of a High School Student:
Tuition & Books: $438
Room & Board: $652
Clothing: $241
2 pairs of skirts or pants
2 shirts or blouses
1 long-sleeve cardigan
2 blazers jackets
1 pair of shoes & 4 pairs of socks
2 pairs of sports shoes & a sports suit
Field Trips: $48
Medical: $24
Transportation: $120
Miscellaneous (mattress, bedding, soap): $178
Total Tuition Cost per Student: $1,700
This total represents the amount required to cover a high school student's essential needs for a successful school year including: tuition, necessary supplies, clothing, and essential care.
Meet Elizabeth Andar:
A Mwanzo High School Scholar
“To all who are invested in my education, I am growing to be a confident student. I promise to not let all of you down and will work hard to achieve my dream of being a doctor and helping others. When I grow up, I too want to give back to my community. All this is because of the love Madam Director Loyce and the rest of the Mwanzo staff show us, the example they set for us, and support of the Mwanzo family.”